

quarta-feira, 31 de outubro de 2012

First race in M20

The past weekend I went to Santiago do Cacém do join my first race ever as M20.

At saturday, since I was without pressure and a sore from the trainings of the week, I did a well-balanced race, with a constant and comfortable pace (no pushing) and trying not to miss since I did not want to put more distance in my legs nor did I want to race down a hill and then have to come up to punch the control.
Only BIG mistake was to control no13 where my brain shut down and I looked to the reentrant of the control and thought it wasn't there so I wandered around to make sure (lol stupid).

At sunday, my mind was just off. Did plenty of mistakes at control no4, 5, 8, 9... Some of them I'm not even sure if they are mistakes or pure stupidity:

I felt well in my first race at M20, I tend to do the courses from M20 next year. 
My goal is to achieve a good result at Long Distance of JWOC, however, I have to be much better and orienteer much faster in middle distance races. 

Best regards,

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